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Horoscope of the week : zodiac sign Scorpio

this week of sunday 21 July 2024

weekly horoscope for Scorpios

Scorpio first decan

This week you will open up your mind and it will help you find another way to grow like a spiritual encounter or a trip to a foreign country.
You lack dynamism and motivation; besides you have issues with your job and your family. Don't worry; it won't last forever, so you shouldn't dramatize things.
You have self-control thanks to Mercury and will do good business so that you can impose your ideas at work. following the horoscope of Scorpio first decan ...

Scorpio second decan

This week you will devote your time to collaboration with foreign countries. Don't be afraid to spend more money if the economic situation is good!
There is dissonance with Venus, so don't ask for too much, stay receptive to your family circle and don't expect anything in return. Patience... It will only last a few days.
Professionally speaking you will manage your affairs well thanks to Mercury! You have many chances to sign an important contract. following the horoscope of Scorpio second decan ...

Scorpio third decan

You will dedicate your week to training or an instruction in a particular subject. Consequences may be good if you are extra careful and stay sincere.
You will be happy regardless and your trust in life will be strong. Your friend will feel it and will support you. At work you will surpass yourself and show what you can do.
Mercury will give you self-control, that's why you can manage to impose your ideas at work and make them clear to your coworkers. following the horoscope of Scorpio third decan...

Scorpio : do you know your zodiac sign ?

Charming, magnetic and entrancing, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to Pluto, symbol of passion, rebirth and mystery... more about the zodiac sign of Scorpio

Do you know your planet Pluto ?

Symbol of magics and transformation, Pluto is connected to our inner strength and our ability to overcome any difficulties... more about the planet Pluto

Scorpio and love

Madly or crazy in love ? more about astro compatibility of Scorpio

What's my true sign and astrological decan ?

Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac. Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates. find out about your sun sign and decan...
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