Your job will become a little more problematic and your health may suffer from it. Take your responsibilities but don't sacrifice yourself! You need some rest.
You are living at a slower pace, especially because you feel a little sick and you don't want to work. Although there is no need to push too far... motivation is the key, then you will delight yourself in doing anything!
Professionally speaking your intellect will be boosted and you will have many ideas to share at work; your coworkers will appreciate the way you trade.
Pluto is with you and your personality and faith are getting stronger. It's a positive change, almost a rebirth for you.
Neptune being in dissonance won't help you staying lucid. You are losing yourself in confusion and daydreams. You should ask your family for a piece of advice.
Thanks to Uranus in harmony with your sign, you will be able to plan easily: travel, move, and change of country... everything is possible.
You should stop thinking that you aren't lucky. How things change! You will enjoy the beneficial effects of Jupiter. But for now, Jupiter is still in dissonance with your sign.
Idealistic, over sensitive and enigmatic, your zodiac sign is a water sign connected to Neptune, symbol of inspiration, invisibility and faith...
Symbol of faith and religion, Neptune is connected to our ideals and our spiritual consciousness ...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope from sunday 8 to saturday 14, September 2024