Circumstances of this month will probably concern your ability to deal with your budget and the way you can improve it. You need to take stock of the situation and balance your checkbook. On another note this month of October may also be about your libido that will start taking a lot of space in your psyche. You will see the results around full moon.
During this month you may solve your money issues because you will make more money. However make sure you keep the situation under control! Sexually you are on top of your game! So instead of waiting you should confess your partner your deepest desires!
With Venus in your tenth solar house, you need to set some goals and some extra motivation in order to give your best at work.
During this period Mercury is in your ninth solar house and you will feel like traveling and discovering new places. Safe travels!
Mars is in your fifth solar house and you are very creative. If you have with them and don't get mad at them!
Uranus is in dissonance and it might be a destabilizing period for you. You need to relax as much as possible even though you are overwhelmed by the current events. However this transit helps you express your new personality.
Jupiter is with you! Take advantage of the situation to negociate this credit or loan with your bank, or ask your employer for a raise or something in particular.
During the week of 6, thanks to good aspects of Mercury, your business will work well and results will be excellent. You know how to easily convince people because your arguments are logical.
Good aspects of the Sun show that the week of 13 is one of the best periods because you have a bright future ahead. Any negotiation or signature is favoured.
You may have misunderstandings when it comes to communicating with your family and friends, especially during the week of 27 when Mercury is in dissonance. Make sure you stay receptive to your family and your co-workers.
Original, friendly and avant-gardist, your zodiac sign is an air sign connected to Uranus, symbol of modernism, rapidity and freedom...
Symbol of originality and rhythm, Uranus is connected to our intuition and what we do for our community...
Your zodiac sign is determined at the time of your birth, by the position of the sun in the zodiac.
Dates are changing each year because the position of the Sun is ruled by season and not by calendar dates.
your horoscope From October the 1st to October the 31, 2024